Back to That Grind


Well here are most of my books for the semester! For all you college kids out there, doesn’t this look about right? Okay sorry, English majors, does this stack strike an accord?

Luckily, I am NOT in over my head like last semester. Trust me, I know this looks bad, but I don’t think any semester will top the one I just had, and I still managed to pull off straight A’s!!!! Don’t ask. It was a miracle. The Lord was with me day by day. I am a Dean’s List student and have always been an academic nerd, and I will give everything my 110%. No doubt about that.

But here I am again, back to the grind of school. Today was my second day back so I’ve been introduced to all my classes besides my lab (yeah. I’m an English major but I gotta have those two courses of science. yay.) But I am entering this one strong. No falling behind; I am going to make sure I am as ahead of my classes as I can be and get a bunch of these projects and papers out of the way NOW. Makes a huge difference come April for sure. Some keys to success I’m going to uphold:

Get those papers and group projects done sooner.

I am not going to have this option with all of my papers, so the ones that you can fulfill at literally any point in the semester…yeah I’ll take that now! Especially while I am waiting to hear back from a job that I may possibly be starting at the end of this month!

Plan accordingly.

Well that sounds awfully vague, doesn’t it? But it’s the truth. I can’t be planning date after date with Luke, or have a New Girl marathon when there a billion things to attend to. Label the whole week out, assignment to assignment, and plan each day. I usually don’t spend hours on media or Netflix, but it can get easy to succumb to after a long day of classes and running. But when I just plan little things to do, or one movie to watch AFTER the work gets done, it seems like the greatest reward of all time. I tell myself, get coffee after you’ve done three more pages or having read this much for Friday, etc. Little plans suddenly sound like gold after all the work I’ve put in!


Oh geez, I don’t know about you, but every bubbly brunette can also twist that alliteration into a bitchy brunette. I am guilty! When things get overwhelming, stressful, and I have deadlines up to my chin, I tend to want to drown everyone out. Friends included, classmates definitely included, and people who just want to ask me about my day can get the death glare from time to time. Not okay. Smile and push through it. Research has proven that “faking it till you make it” really does work, and I plan on doing just that, but also to genuinely ask more of my classmates about their days and how their studies are going. I want more people to know that I am praying for them; I want people to not look at me and think “Yeah. She’s having a rough semester.” I want people to look at me and think “Wow. Even when we’re in the grind of the semester, she still always has such a positive attitude and a smile.” 🙂

Pray, Pray, Pray

Pray when things are good; pray when they are bad. Do it when you want to, and when you need to. I have so much to be praying for and I can’t let my prayer time get lost in the craziness, or my devotionals. Neither are going to suffer this semester 🙂

It’s 2015, going in still as a Junior and will be finishing out 2015 as a Senior in college. Phew. Just day by day. The Lord assures us that He will strengthen us day by day and we don’t need to worry about tomorrow and what’s looming ahead. When we do that, we become overwhelmed and can’t handle all that we are about to face. That’s why we take it day by day, with God. It is then that we can really do anything 🙂

Goodnight everyone! Got a good run in the morning waiting, xoxo

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